Apple Watch Series 3 VS 4: Detailed Comparison

Apple Watch Series 3 VS 4: Detailed Comparison

So are you better off going with the Apple Watch Series 3 or going all out and grab the series 4? Let’s go ahead and find out in this in depth look between the two different Apple watches. So first thing first that stands out is obviously the display, the series 4 has a new … Read more

Apple Watch VS Garmin: Which is Better Smartwatch?

apple watch vs garmin

Apple Watch vs Garmin? Simple answer is that Apple watch is way more stylish and has better fitness tracking features whereas Garmin is absolutely great for mountain climbers and golfers. Both Apple watch and Garmin have distinct features and design which make them totally different smartwatches. We’re doing a comparison article of the Apple watch … Read more

Best mountain bike watch (Apple, Garmin, FitBit, Polar)

mountain bike watch

As any serious biker knows, mountain bike watch provides highest protection and other suitable features which are required for mountaineering. Although there are many mountain bike watches specifically designed for this purpose in the market, many bikers don’t need them. Today, I will share some of the best mountain bike watches, including Garmin, Fitbit and … Read more